I just arrived in Michigan after Synod London 2010. I am tired but refreshed by the brotherly spirit of the delegates and I learned much that I trust will be profitable in my ministry.
There were many joys of Synod and some difficult situations. There was a clear-cut division on many things, including the work of our unity committees working with the CanRC with a goal to future merger.
Once I am done with my vacation, I will write a more comprehensive report on Synod, but for now, a couple highlights.
Rev. Ralph Pontier (Neerlandia, AB) was our chairman and he did a wonderful job of leading us through the agenda in such a short period of time.
Our Synod decided to set up a couple study committees, one, in response to overture 2, page 47 in the agenda was what my Pre-Advice committee had to work on concerning the emeritation of ministers. We decided to set up a study to committee to investigate the emeritation of ministers, ministers after Article 11's and the disbanding of a congreation, etc.
We sent back to committee the report on "Church Membership" and whether or not we are to be stricly "confessional" on that.
We did not uphold the appeal of Hills to withdraw the 9 points. This was one of the low points I thought in terms of discussion, because it seemed to me that some men could not separate the "contents" of the 9 points from the "procedural" issues involved.
However, I am leaving Synod London 2010 with a love in my heart for the churches and for my brothers in the URC. We do not see eye to eye on all things, but we are committed to growing together in our love for the Lord, His church, and each other. It was great to catch up with old friends and to make new ones.
I will be on vacation for a couple weeks so you will likely not be hearing from me.