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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rep. James Lankford gives a wonderful speech on the right to life. What interests me, is that he begins this extremely lucid and compelling argument with an appeal to Proverbs. For r2kt, is that out of bounds? I believe so.

One thing I've heard over the last few weeks from a few conversations I've had over 2 kingdoms, is that "natural law" is pretty much the same things as the 10 commandments. Really? Good, let's go with the 10 commandments. If that is your view, here are a couple reasons the 10 commandments ought to have a central role in life in the "common grace kingdom."

1. The 10 Commandments are objective. They can be subjectively applied, possibly twisted, but they remain as objective, absolute truths.
2. "natural law" will be perverted by every unbeliever. L.D. 2 speaks pretty clearly about the results of the fall into sin. Rom. 1 is a picture into the mind of the regenerate. They will trade the truth for a lie.
3. Hopefully this one doesn't sound too pragmatic...but, natural law will not work in the common grace sphere in my neighbourhood. Assume, I live across the street from a group of unbelieving bachelors. On Sunday they go off to work so that they can make some extra money. When they arrive home from work at about the time I arrive home from worship and I say, "don't you feel guilty for treating the Lord's Day as unholy." He will say, "No, I don't even believe in God." What is true for you isn't going to cramp my style." Oh yes, relativism. Relativism can only be properly combatted by the revealed will of God in scripture.

I wonder why someone would have J. Douma's The Ten Commandments as a textbook if they are also taught r2kt. Thus far, it is a mystery to me.

In conclusion: Way to go Rep. Lankford (R-Ok), whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Since I cannot figure out how to actually put that video on my blog, you are going to have to click on it and than go back to my blog to read my response to it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
