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Friday, December 16, 2011

Ethics at Reformed Bible College

Here is a write up of a class I am teaching in Aldergrove B.C. this winter/spring.

Reformed Bible College

   How we live as a Christian in this world is always an important question for the people of God. What is the role of ethics, morality, the law, the Ten Commandments, casuistry, and gratitude in our lives? Rev. Swets will be teaching on the Ten Commandments during the winter class for the Reformed Bible College. The class will be weekly on Wednesday nights for a total of 12 evenings. We will be using as a primary text, the Ten Commandments, by Jochem Douma. (Copies of this book will be available for those who do not have their own.) The lectures will aim at establishing, in our Christian ethics, biblical principles which will be applied to every day issues, such as the use of horoscopes, civil disobedience, just war theory, euthanasia, in-vitro fertilization and Christian contentment, among others. 

   Classes will begin weekly, on Wednesday evenings at 7:30, in the Aldergrove church building, starting on January 11. Cost will be $100 per student, $150 for "former students," and $200 per married couple.

We look forward to seeing you this winter. 

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